Candy Heart Bouquet

Candy Heart Bouquet


A colorful mix of yellow caspia, yellow and pink starflower, pink setaria, purple phalaris, and a light purple preserved rose. Wrapped in paper printed with candy hearts, it’s the perfect token of admiration for the holiday!

The bouquet measures roughly 4”L x 4”W x 10-12”H and is hand-tied with all natural materials. Read about the care of dried and preserved materials in the blogpost Dried Flowers 101.

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A colorful mix of yellow caspia, yellow and pink starflower, pink setaria, purple phalaris, and a light purple preserved rose. Wrapped in paper printed with candy hearts, it’s the perfect token of admiration for the holiday!

The bouquet measures roughly 4”L x 4”W x 10-12”H and is hand-tied with all natural materials. Read about the care of dried and preserved materials in the blogpost Dried Flowers 101.