Strawberry Fields Bouquet

Strawberry Fields Bouquet


A sweet petite bouquet holding a preserved red rose, caspia, dried lavender, pink broom bloom, ammobium, and blue bunny tails all wrapped in strawberry motif paper and tied with gingham ribbon.

The bouquet measures approximately 3”L x 3”W x 10-12”H.

Read about the care of dried and preserved materials in the blogpost Dried Flowers 101.

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A sweet petite bouquet holding a preserved red rose, caspia, dried lavender, pink broom bloom, ammobium, and blue bunny tails all wrapped in strawberry motif paper and tied with gingham ribbon.

The bouquet measures approximately 3”L x 3”W x 10-12”H.

Read about the care of dried and preserved materials in the blogpost Dried Flowers 101.