Hard Candy Bouquet
Hard Candy Bouquet
A candy-colored bouquet of preserved juniper, pink bunny tails, broom bloom, and star flower, setaria, rice grass, and a preserved rose. Wrapped up in candy-motif paper, it’s a sweet little homage to both song and candy.
Each bundle measures roughly 3”L x 3”W x 10-12”H, and each is unique from the next. Read about the care of dried and preserved flowers in the blogpost Dried Flowers 101.
A candy-colored bouquet of preserved juniper, pink bunny tails, broom bloom, and star flower, setaria, rice grass, and a preserved rose. Wrapped up in candy-motif paper, it’s a sweet little homage to both song and candy.
Each bundle measures roughly 3”L x 3”W x 10-12”H, and each is unique from the next. Read about the care of dried and preserved flowers in the blogpost Dried Flowers 101.